precious stones :Tanzanite

Tanzanite is a precious stone that is known for its rich blue-violet color and its rarity. In this article, we will explore the history, properties, and uses of tanzanite.


Tanzanite was discovered in 1967 in Tanzania, Africa. It was named after its country of origin and quickly gained popularity due to its unique color and rarity. Tanzanite is found only in a small area in Tanzania, making it one of the rarest gemstones in the world.


Tanzanite is a form of the mineral zoisite, which is typically brown, gray, or green in color. The blue-violet color of tanzanite is caused by the presence of vanadium within the crystal structure. The most valuable and sought-after tanzanite is a deep blue-violet with a slight hint of purple.

Tanzanite is a relatively soft stone, with a Mohs hardness rating of 6.5 to 7 out of 10. It is not as hard as diamonds, but it is still durable and resistant to scratches and damage. Tanzanite also has a high refractive index, which gives it a brilliant sparkle and shine.


The most common use of tanzanite is in jewelry. It is often used in necklaces, earrings, and bracelets, and is particularly popular in engagement rings. Tanzanite is often paired with diamonds and other gemstones, as its blue-violet color complements many other colors well.

In addition to its use in jewelry, tanzanite is also used in industry. It is used as a component in electronic equipment, as its properties make it useful for the manufacture of certain kinds of optical fibers. Tanzanite is also sometimes used in medical devices, as it is believed to have healing properties and to be able to stimulate the immune system.


Tanzanite is a beautiful and highly valued precious stone. Its rarity and unique color make it a popular choice for jewelry, and its historical and cultural significance make it a fascinating and captivating stone. Whether used in jewelry or in industrial applications, tanzanite is a testament to the enduring appeal of precious stones and their ability to inspire and enchant us.

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