Keep your diamonds shining forever with these easy steps

Keep your diamonds shining forever with these easy steps

We all know it is important to keep our diamonds clean for them to maintain their sparkle. If you have been wearing your diamond jewelry for a while and are wondering why it has suddenly become dull and lifeless, a dirty stone is very likely the cause.

Usually, the main culprit of a dirty diamond is grim and oil residues originating from fingers or skin contact. As the muck builds up on the surface, it can severely hamper the diamond’s ability to transmit light properly.

Note: even a thin film of oil on a diamond’s facet can completely change the angles in which light refracts and reflects; resulting in lower brilliance and sparkle.

Diamond is the hardest natural substance on Earth. It can cut any kind of rock or metal, but only another diamond can cut a diamond. In fact, to burn a diamond, it must be heated to between 1290-1650 degrees Fahrenheit. Yet the oil deposited from the mere touch of a human finger can cause dirt to collect and make this nearly indestructible gemstone quickly lose its sparkling appeal.

When it comes to keeping your diamond clean and shiny, there are some ways for you to perform a simple cleaning routine at home.

Ultimately, the type of diamond and setting you own will determine the most ideal cleaning method to utilize. For example, certain ring designs like the 4 prongs or 6 prongs settings are relatively easier to clean compared to diamonds mounted in a bezel setting.

So how can you keep your diamond looking its very best? Here are some tips on keeping your diamond sparkling.


A simple plan to keep your diamond jewelry looking beautiful is to soak it in a gentle degreasing solution, such as water with a few drops of mild dish soap, once or twice a week. After you remove the diamond from the cleaning solution, use a soft, clean toothbrush to remove any remaining dirt. The toothbrush should be new and reserved exclusively for cleaning your jewelry. Use it to clean hard-to-reach places like the back of the diamond, which tends to collect the most oil and dirt.

Dirt collected in between the prongs may be hard to remove even after soaking with detergent and brushing. In that case, you can use a toothpick to remove stubborn grim but always exercise caution.


Fragile settings, like older prongs in antique jewelry or a tension setting where the diamond is held in place by pressure from the shank, shouldn’t be vigorously scrubbed, so be gentle with the toothbrush. Then, just rinse your diamond jewelry with water and dry with a soft, lint-free cloth. If you’re working over a sink, make sure to close the drain.

Take care when placing your jewelry in extremely hot or warm water especially if you have jewelry with mixed gemstones. Some gemstones with inclusions at weak spots can shatter when experiencing a sudden temperature spike. Likewise, diamonds that had undergone clarity enhancements may require special cleaning procedures.


There are special machines like ultrasonic cleaners which you can purchase for home use. When the machine is turned on, the sub-surface agitation generated will dislodge dirt particles effectively from the diamond’s surface. These cleaners usually come with a metal cup for you to place your jewelry in and have various modes of function for different jewelry types.


Diamonds are natural magnets for grease, so they’re not easy to keep clean. When a diamond is handled, the oils from your fingers adhere to the diamond’s surface and affect its brilliance and fire.
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