Tips For Wearing Diamond Jewellery

Your jewellery should make you feel stylish and you should get the maximum out of it. Before flaunting your diamond pendants or necklaces, consider pairing them up with the right neckline; it can be from high-necked, low-cut dresses or scooped necks etc. For any occasion you can never go wrong with solitaire pendants as they are the most classic piece. One can combine different pieces of diamond jewellery set, provided you mix and match with the right taste. Pair your gorgeous diamond earring with diamondbracelet, a subtle necklace with a broad diamond ring.Everyone loves diamond rings, don’t we? They just look so gorgeous on our fingers, most commonly diamond rings are worn on a ring-finger. We recommend not flaunting more than one diamond ring on one hand, well we would never want brilliant pieces to compete with themselves for attention.

Tips_for_wearing_Diamonds_Jewellery_300-x-300_2Your diamond jewellery should be versatile; it should fit in any situation. Do not pick anything for the sake of it being diamond, and do not wear anything that gives out a total different you, and there we meant; not the pleasant you! Do not wear over sized and luxury diamonds jewellery to a day gathering, that won’t do justice to your personality.A beautiful diamond necklace frames a women’s pretty face. When you are wearing a diamond necklace, take a break from earrings, and let your necklace grab all the attention. Diamond necklace which has similar sized and shaped diamonds set in lustrous metal looks stunning; always pair your diamond necklace with a matching diamond bracelet.We love our diamonds and we should better know how to take care of them too, as everyday use and exposure to various elements, our diamonds would eventually dull out and loose its brilliance. Everyone wants to flaunt that exclusive piece of diamond and not look the other way. Avoid wearing your stone when at rough work. We know it is the hardest substance on earth, but any hard blow and constant use and rub can cause them to chip, break or split.

Tips_for_wearing_Diamonds_Jewellery_300-x-300_1One should regularly inspect their diamond Jewellery, keeping them for a long time or wearing them regularly might loosen up the stone settings. If you happen to notice any such damage on your jewellery, stop wearing it and show it to a professional jeweller who can repair the jewellery. It is advisable to have your diamond settings checked by professional atleast once a year.
When wearing diamond jewellery, considering the occasion and outfit will help. Do not mix other gemstones when you have your diamonds on, mix and match do looks good but only on selected occasions, let your diamond stand alone and sparkle in and out. To be safe and not to commit any jewellery blunder at any common occasion opt for solitaire pendants, diamonds stud earrings and bracelet they are the ultimate classic diamond jewellery.

Men should always go for subtle diamond jewellery, we get various pieces designed for men specially, from flashy to brilliant to subtle and light, when situation demands men can flaunt brilliant and flashy stones, but they should limit it to less, too much of diamonds clubbed together looks overpowering and may send out a wrong message.A diamond earring can range from delicate to flirty, chic to dramatic and classic. A diamond earring is the perfect beauty accessory that every woman loves to flaunt and also makes the perfect jewellery piece for any special event. For the sensual look, you can redo your hair, or make a sassy bun and opt out necklace, and there you will be all set to garner all the attention and compliments! Jewellery is our best friend and if it’s a diamond no doubt it will always make you feel good and bring the glittering smile on your face.

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